How to produce better voiceover takes - number 3 - VARIETY!
I’m doing a short video mini-series on the top 5 things that will improve the experience for both voice artist and audio / video producer!
Today - number 3 - Variety in your takes! Please give your engineer / producer / director some different reads! There' no point in producing 3 identical reads! Very your music and emphasis to give them some options.
Hello Friends voice people, audio engineers and whoever else is tuning into this broadcast. This is Toby Ricketts voiceover artist. I'm doing a little series about voice file submissions when you're submitting final audio as a voiceover artist to video producers or audio producers, what are they looking for? How can you make their lives easier because they're the ones that are going to rehire you probably. So this is number three in the series. And today we're talking about a variety of takes. This is a personal pet peeve of mine. And before I go into that, I'm going to give you an example. Okay, I've got a very short script. What am I doing wrong? find what you're looking for today at Toby Ricketts. take to find what you're looking for today at Toby Ricketts take three. find what you're looking for today. Toby Ricketts what was wrong with that? Answer? They were exactly the same! What's the point in doing three takes exactly the same. This is a pet peeve of mine I've told you it's like do something different. So as an example, and to kind of overemphasize it, here's three different ways to read that script. different emphasis different inflection, so that people can actually have a choice rather than three things exactly the same. find what you're looking for today at Toby Ricketts. find what you're looking for today at Toby Ricketts. find what you're looking for today at Toby Ricketts So you could hear there how I chose a different part of the script to emphasize each time and the website because I mean even just you can like this. There's lots of ways you can end sentences Too often we get into the same pattern of doing things exactly the same way as a voiceover artist It's your job to give people options. That's basically what it is. You're a sounding board for their ideas. It's not right. It's not wrong. It's just there is a more appropriate version. And it's a producer's job and director's job to choose the most appropriate version for the video. So you have to give them as much of that choice as you can. So that was today's today's tip is when you do multiple takes, make them different, not walk crazy, wacky different, and this is character, which is a whole different kettle of fish. But if you just think straight voiceover, vary up the takes, because it makes a big difference. Cool. Tune in for Episode Four coming out tomorrow. And yeah, keep an eye on the video blog for more information about voiceovers and incorporating them into Audio Productions. See you soon.